Thursday, April 19, 2012


I have been gone I see, a long time. I got tired of no one commenting so stopped coming up. I have also been extremely busy trying to make ends meet like so many other people in the world.

One thing about swinging that most people don't think about is the memories it makes. You will remember forever (if you have a great memory) what happened and maybe with whom and maybe how you felt. One thing my partner and I do is play a past experience out in our bed. We have so many great memories to fall back on for personal gratification or mutual gratification or just to talk about. Talking about a memory can lead to much more also.
What about you? what have you found to be the most exciting part of swinging?

Friday, November 4, 2011

Still here, waiting.

I came up missing didn't I for a couple of months, but no biggie since no one has gotten up the nerve to write anything.

I have been battling bed bugs so we are not playing. I would not give them to my worst enemy if I had a worst enemy. I ventured out into the real world and a vanilla party on Halloween, but that was a first in over 6 months.

The book has been selling well, so I must have done something right when I wrote it. It isn't making millions yet and maybe never will but a little money rolls in each month. I hope it is what people wanted and needed. I tried keeping it to just facts without any of the fillers that so many books seem to have.

Only time will tell, right?

Monday, August 22, 2011


Here it is August and another birthday for me this week. Nothing new to talk about, no one is writing in so no questions to answer or well, you get the point.

Been busy with other pursuit's, and no, no swinging right now. We are like a lot of other people in this country and across the world on a strict income that leaves no room for venturing out into finding couples to play with or for friends which we always wanted and never got.

If someone does come along and leave a message you will know by the dates on the blogs that I am still alive and doing well.

Take care

Monday, July 4, 2011

Not been around

Sorry I haven't been around but I have been fighting bugs and ants in my home and that has pretty much taken all my extra time and also I tried logging on a couple of weeks ago and low and behold I didn't exist on here at that point.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Talking to myself

Well we did put this here to get comments, but who is really going to do that? I mean I wouldn't, but maybe some day someone will get up the nerve to come over and comment. What do you think?

I feel like I am talking to myself. I keep posting and nothing happens, course the book is just out.

Some news though is we (partner) got the front cover professionally done. To our likeing. NO naked people, no people at all just letters and background, hopefully it will help it sell. Big BOLD Red Letters.

What do you think? Did it draw you to the book?

Come on by and leave a comment.

Friday, April 29, 2011


I want to revisit this because it dawned on me about a week ago that although you can and maybe will contract a disease I personally have never met anyone that has nor has my partner.

In all the years we have been swinging not one little bit of information has come back to us that someone caught an STD.

In fact the only time I hear about it is on the news or on TV and a Doctor. That's it.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

About me

I was born many long years ago and survived birth to be raised by a mother who was an alcoholic and a dad that worked different shift and who I was so very scared of. I have no reason for that fear and in later years spent a great deal of time laughing and joking with him, but as a child I wouldn't go near him.

My mother was the one that really scared me quiet. I kept my mouth shut around her because I didn't want to get yelled at. Were my sister and I beaten, well spanked would be a better word but in those days parents were allowed to spank and we the children learned not to do anything to get a spanking for, course with an alcoholic parent they don't need reasons.

I grew up without a parent home all the time because they both worked. My mother for our local church, the one we attended and my dad for an oil refinery. I am sure we had a babysitter, I vaguely remember one here and there, so guess my sister and I weren't alone, alone, but still we did pretty much what we wanted. The only rule I can remember clearly (I don't remember much) is we had to be home by 5 so we could all eat at the dinning table. Yup in those days we ate together.

I cut my index finger with a butcher knife while trying to cut open and orange and it was my sister that took care of me until my mother came home to take me to the doctor. It was my sister who was home when my periods started. Thank god for that, she is 3 years older than me so knew what to do.

Putting all the bad stuff aside I really didn't have it so hard I just thought I did. My mother believed in taking us places. We went to the circus every year, we went to the Ice Capades when they were in town, later when I was older we went to the Rodeo's and to plays, and out to dinner and on driving trips and on vacations, so I had a lot of different kinds of entertainment, plus being allowed to roam pretty freely, to the beach, to friends, to the local stables where I would spend the day, to the movies or down to the Pier.

All of which I suppose looking back made me in part what I am today.

My sister and I made a chose not to turn out like my mom, so neither one of us became an alcoholic. I love to laugh, I believe in being honest, telling the truth as much as possible, I don't believe in hurting people on purpose. I hate shopping in any form, I love fresh air and I am an animal lover. I am extremely open minded and accept more than most people seem to. I hate talking on the phone. Absolutely hate it.

I am extremely quiet but that doesn't mean I am dumb, in being quiet you learn to listen to what is going on around you, so you pick up information here and there and store it away. That helped in the writing of the book, all that stored information I had and really didn't realize it until I started on the book.

Sexual things, (whatever the things are) doesn't surprise, or shock me. I might not want to do certain things but I don't condemn them either or the people interested in doing those things.

Life is life, you either go with the flow or you don't.